Now is the time, by Metatron
Are you ready to move forward? Now is the time and we are waiting for your first step. When you accept your task as a lightworker, we can begin assisting you in spreading your light.
Times are changing and so are humans. A deeper understanding of being connected, a deeper urge to be in the light, and to accept the light as the overall source of life, is spreading among all citizens on your planet. Each individual has their own level of understanding. Some will try and resist - and they will struggle hard. Do not let them discourage you. We are here, awaiting to assist you but you must take the first step by yourself.
How can you make a change in your life? How can you assist the light in growing and spreading its rays of love, wisdom and gratitude?
Each of you have your own path, your own destiny, characterized by the contract of your soul with the Divine. Now is the time, this is the sign.
We honour you, we love you, we protect you.
Blessed be.
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Much love and blessings.